The goal of this project is to provide the Guyaneese Space Center with a new antenna to improve the reception of telemetry launchers, especially the new VEGA launcher.
It will be installed within the geographical limits of French Guiana, with the chance of changing installation site very quickly , depending on the azimuth of the launcher trajectory
The particularity of the system is mainly related to its transportability aspect: it is necessary to reduce the transport and installation / dismantling times for an efficient reuse of the same station on different installation sites by ensuring all the typical RF performances of a launcher tracking station.
It is composed of two subsystems:
- the antenna system which receives the launchers signals
- the air transportable system which must ensure the portability of the antenna subsystem without affecting its performance.
The antenna system includes the mechanical part dedicated to the movement of the antenna, the part dedicated to the reception of the RF signals and the part of supervision and control.
The air-transportable system includes the development of an innovative transportation solution for the housing of the reflector and pedestal antenna.